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Clínica de atención al público de Madrid

El Centro de Atención a Enfermos de Sida de Cáritas pretende dar respuesta a las necesidades psicológicas, sociales, laborales y físicas específicas de estas personas. Dentro de un marco participativo que incluye a las personas afectadas, sus familias, expertos y voluntarios, y con una atención directa, el centro trata de abordar los déficits para promover el desarrollo de rasgos personales y modificar actitudes y expectativas. El objetivo es proporcionar el derecho a una calidad de vida básica, promoviendo la responsabilidad personal y social frente al SIDA. Este Centro trata de realizar su tarea desde una perspectiva global, teniendo en cuenta la ineludible adaptabilidad a las mejoras médicas de la fortuna.

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Born in the city of Tampico, Tamaulipas, on November 8, 1924. He studied medicine at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and specialized in pathology with Dr. Isaac Costero, in Mexico, and with Dr. Gustave Dammin and Dr. Lauren V. Ackerman, in the USA. Ackerman in the USA.

He published more than 170 scientific articles in national and foreign journals and 87 books on scientific topics, historical and popular science essays; as well as 68 scientific books and 134 popular science books. His works include Principios de patología (1959), El concepto de enfermedad: su evolución a través de la historia (1988), Ciencia, paciencia y conciencia (1991), Ética médica laica (2002), Historia general de la ciencia en México en el siglo XX (2005), La revolución científica (2012), Diez razones para ser científico (2013), Las transformaciones de la medicina (2015), Patología de la pobreza (2016) and La muerte (2016). The National College has published 26 volumes of his collected works.

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Nowadays, knowledge of languages is the basis for advancing and achieving academic and professional excellence. The Language Center, integrated in the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization, seeks to provide a quality training service that contributes to the internationalization of the University and its environment.

The courses have a duration of 40 hours and a very competitive price of 275€ for CEU students. The courses are taught in compatible and comfortable schedules for students, are communicative classes, and work on all language skills.

At CEU San Pablo University we prepare our students to respond to the needs of a globalized world. For this reason, we have joined forces with the British Council to enable all students to finish their studies with a level of English that allows them to function in an international environment.

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In a globalized and interconnected world, knowing languages has become an indispensable element to access the professional world. At CEU San Pablo University we have joined forces with the Goethe-Institut to make it easier for all students to finish their studies with a level of German that allows them to function in an international professional environment.

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Phase 1a/2a, open-label, multicenter, multicenter trial to investigate the safety, tolerability and repeat-dose antitumor activity of Sym015, a monoclonal antibody mixture directed against …

Phase III, multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled, placebo-controlled trial of atezolizumab(MPDL3280A, anti-PDL1 antibody) in combination with platinum-based QT in patients with locally aggressive urothelial carcinoma …

Phase 2, randomized, open-label study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of MLN0128 monotherapy and the combination of MLN0128 + MLN1117 versus Everolimus treatment in adults with localized urothelial carcinoma….

Randomized, double-blind, phase III efficacy trial of PROSTVAC-V/F +/-FEC-GM in men with asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. A rando…

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Phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, double-masked, placebo-controlled trial of Infigratinib for adjuvant treatment of subjects with invasive urothelial carcinoma with FGFR3-susceptible genetic alterations (PROOF 302).

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